Plant Hire Tips

In the Right Gear – The Importance of Having the Right Plant at the Right Time

In the Right Gear – The Importance of Having the Right Plant at the Right Time

In construction, time is money. Whenever plant and equipment fail to arrive on site on time, delays are inevitable and delays equal cost, regardless of whether yours is a big construction project with dozens of workers and lots of machinery or a domestic project being carried by one person and a single machine. To keep construction or demolition jobs moving, it’s essential to have the right equipment on site at the right time.

Having The Right Plant

It may sound obvious but having the right piece of machinery for the job in hand is vital. While it’s unlikely that someone would hire a dumper when what they need is a forklift, it is possible to get the wrong dumper or forklift for your operation. If the machine you hire is too small, it will either be insufficient to do the job or will take too long to do it; too large and it may be difficult to manoeuvre in the space you have and cost you more than the smaller size that would have fitted. Similarly, if a machine does not have the capabilities or load bearing ability you need, it could suffer breakdowns or create a potential health and safety risk. At Rabbit, we have a wide range of excavators and other plant in various sizes, as well as a variety of forklifts with different weight and telescopic capabilities.

At The Right Time

Timing is everything in construction. A delay in one area of a project can have a huge knock-on effect throughout the whole project. Not having the machinery you need on site when you need it, or having it break down, can hold everyone up. And for a construction project manager there is nothing worse than seeing machinery and workers at a standstill. To avoid having the time tick by and the cost clocking up, look for a plant hire provider with an excellent reputation for delivering to the agreed schedule and maintaining its plant fleet to the highest standards.

The Right Advice

For some applications, it might not be clear which size or specification of equipment is required. Excavators, for example, come in a wide range of sizes and with a number of different accessories. Our extensive experience with construction plant and equipment means we can advise you on the best machine for the job and plan drop-offs and collections of the kit you need at the different stages of your project, to help keep it on track.

Find out how Rabbit Group can help you avoid expensive delays and problems by supplying the plant you need when you need it – contact us on 01903 851957 or